Past Events

Upcoming events

Trialogue meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 09 April 2013


Polish Fisheries Roundtable

Location: Gdynia, Poland

Dates: 04 April 2013

The next Polish Fisheries Roundtable will cover the reform of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), as well as discussions concerning the future role of the Roundtable and the role of the Baltic Sea Regional Advisory Council (BS RAC). In 2012, three such meetings were held, dealing with: 1. Reform of the CFP and a presentation of the pilot project "Collecting ghost nets in the Baltic Sea"; 2. Utilisation of the Polish catch quotas, regionalisation and discards; 3. the future European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, coastal fisheries and wind power. The event will take place at MIR (the sea fisheries institute) from 9 - 15.15 and simultaenous translation between Polish and English will be available. For more information about the upcoming meeting contact WWF Poland.


Trialogue meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 26 March 2013


ICES/HELCOM/EUSBSR Stakeholder Conference

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 25 - 26 March 2013

The goal of the conference is to assist, on a regional level, the Baltic Sea States in complying with their obligations to fulfill conservation objectives of marine protected areas. For more information contact: Petra Kääriä  


Fisheries Committee (PECH) meeting

Dates: 20 - 21 March 2013

Agenda forthcoming.


Workshop: Marine Spatial Planning Region Skåne

Location: Malmö, Sweden

Dates: 19 March 2013

The main purpose of the workshop is within the field of marine and coastal spatial planning in Skåne (Sweden) to:

  • identify, mobilize and prepare stakeholders
  • give an introduction with focus on a geographical example area
  • increase the knowledge concerning planning and the current status
  • create a good basis for upcomming processes and partnerships
  • increase awareness about, as wellas formulate the importance of marine spatial planning for stakeholders, their role and perspective
  • develop a concept for dialouge and support between stakeholders

About the project

PartiSEApate and  ARTWEI are two EU projects that focus on how a diversity of stakeholders need to cooperate in marine spatial planning when different interest, roles, cultures, policies etc.  meet.

In the project there are different pilot areas Pomerian Bight/Arkona Basin and Baltic Sea being tow of these. The aim is to develop guidance, models and tools for how multilevel governance can be a realisation for marine spatial planning, for example in the area shared by Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Poland. In parallel to this, other parts of the project concern work that captures the marine spatial planning structures and processes in the whole of the Baltic Sea Region.

Attached documents:

Invitation to participate: Baltic Sea Ghost Fishing seminar

Dates: 18 - 19 March 2013

WWF Poland, Lithuanian Fund for Nature and Baltic Sea 2020 would like to invite stakeholders for a two day seminar to discuss ghost fishing issues. The main outcomes from the “Collecting ghost nets in the Baltic Sea” project, which has been carried out in cooperation with fishermen, will be presented at the seminar.

Please RSVP by 4th March 2013 to Robertas Staponkus  or +370 6 555 60 93


Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting

Dates: 18 - 19 March 2013

Agenda forthcoming. Only agriculture related issues will be discussed at this Council.


Trialogue Meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 18 - 19 March 2013

The trialogue negotiations are between the Council, Parliament and Commission. They will negotiate a compromise deal on the CFP between them. The Council will be represented by the Irish Presidency and the Parliament by rapporteur Ulrike Rodust.


Advisory Council on Fisheries and Aquaculture (ACFA) meeting

Dates: 13 March 2013

The fisheries resources group meeting will take place and is chaired by Javier Garat of Europêche. The 21 members represent the main branches of the industry – production, processing and trade, in both fisheries and aquaculture as well as consumer groups and organisations dealing with environmental protection and development.
