Past Events

Upcoming events

Release of ICES Advice on European eel (new date)

Dates: 01 November 2023

Time: Usually around 12.00 CET Moved from 24/10


State of the Baltic Sea 2023 – HELCOM HOLAS 3

Location: Online

Dates: 31 October 2023

The third HELCOM holistic assessment (HOLAS 3) provides a comprehensive overview of the Baltic Sea’s ecosystem health during the assessment period from 2016 to 2021. On 31 October 2023, HELCOM will host an online event to mark the release of the much-awaited State of the Baltic Sea 2023 summary report. The summary report consolidates and integrates results from various assessment products within HOLAS 3, including five thematic assessments and the indicator reports. The event will commence with a presentation of key findings from HOLAS 3, followed by a panel discussion on the results and their policy implications, titled ‘Now that we know, where do we go?’. The discussion will be moderated by Gun Rudquist from the Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm University. Audience is invited to submit questions for the panellists and HELCOM experts. Speakers at the event include Rüdiger Strempel (HELCOM), Jannica Haldin (HELCOM), Lone Munk Søderberg (Danish Ministry of Environment), Dominic Pattinson (OSPAR), Michel Sponar (European Union) and Johanna Källén Fox (WWF). For more information, please visit the event page. Advance registration is required. The event will also be recorded and made available online for those who cannot attend live.


Eeva Nyyssönen Communication Secretary +358 40 6473996


BSAC Workshop on predators (seals – cormorants)

Location: Gdynia, Poland / online

Dates: 27 October 2023

Date: 10/27/2023 Time: 09:00-15:30 CEST Location: Gdynia, Poland and online BSAC Workshop on predators (seals – cormorants) Gdynia, Poland and online 27/10/2023 Registration link and background documents will be provided one month ahead of the meeting.


6th Dam Removal Europe Cafe

Location: Online

Dates: 26 October 2023

Full removal or replacement/remodeling? Can the latter be also an effective way towards river restoration?
In the context of in-stream barrier removals, we often discuss whether a barrier can be fully removed or has to be replaced/remodeled to account for the contemporary conditions concerning ecohydrology (e.g., floodplain vegetation upstream), use (e.g., as a navigational waterway) or buildings/settlements nearby. Often, “removal” carries a significantly more positive message than “remodel”, and many people seem to be under the impression that a proper ecological restoration warrants full removal of any anthropogenic in-stream structures. Therefore, we would like to open up the discussion and show examples of cases in which remodeling rather than removing barriers is the way to move forward, what smart ways and tweaks exist to bring down costs and maximize ecological gain (e.g., by reusing material from the former barrier) and what the respective pros and cons of these two fundamentally different approaches are.
OCTOBER 26th 2023 | 16:30 – 17:30 CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME
The World Fish Migration Foundation, the Resources Legacy Fund, Rewilding Europe and WWF invite river and restoration practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and students to a 1-hour, international, infotaining webinar focusing on the why and how of barrier removals. We will showcase unique projects, interview dam buster heroes, share insights, but first and foremost, we will have fun! The event builds on experience from projects across Europe and the US. This Dam Removal Europe Cafe is organized by World Fish Migration Foundation on behalf of Dam Removal Europe with sponsorship from Open Rivers Fund, a program of Resources Legacy Fund supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. It is hosted by WWF Germany, Alpine Rivers Office. In-kind support is provided by Rewilding Europe and WWF.


16:30  Chris Bowser, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, USA – Opening  16:34  Duero Hydrographic Confederation (CHD), Spain Interview from the field   16:46  Johannes Schnell, Federal Angling Association Bavaria, Germany   16:58  Gerald Zauner, EZB-Fluss, Austria  17:10  Breaking News!   17:14  Brian Bair, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), USA  17:26  Closure   17:30  End 

Registration and questions  

For free registration follow this link to EventBrite. For questions regarding the program contact Foivos Mouchlianitis ( Language: English  


BSAC Executive Committee October 2023

Location: Gdynia, Poland / online

Dates: 26 October 2023

Date: 10/26/2023 Time: 10:00-17:00 CEST Location: Gdynia, Poland and online BSAC Executive Committee Gdynia, Poland and online 26/10/2023 Agenda and background douments will be provided one month ahead of the meeting.


October Council – Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 23-24 October 2023

Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Dates: 23 - 24 October 2023

Link to agenda:   On this page you will soon find all the information related to this meeting:

  • agenda highlights (a week before the meeting date)
  • main results (after the meeting)
  • press material
  • photos, videos and live streaming
  • related documentation
Updated content will be added in the run-up to as well as during and after the meeting.  

Press information

Press contacts

Miruna Georgescu
Press officer
+32 471 33 53 34
+32 2 281 47 70


ICES Eel Advice Drafting Group online meeting

Location: -, Online

Dates: 18 - 19 October 2023

ICES Eel Advice Drafting Group meeting is held 18-19/10, as an online meeting.


FishBase Symposium 2023 — Fiskspår!

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 16 October 2023

FishBase Symposium 2023 — Fiskspår!

Den 16 oktober 2023 är det dags för årets FishBase Symposium på Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Årets tema är Fiskspår!

  Hur kan man egentligen veta hur fiskar rör sig i naturen? Laxens vandring mellan hav och älv är välkänd, men nästan alla fiskarter vandrar. De vandrar från lekområde till uppväxtområde, från djuphav till grundhav, fiskyngel driver med strömmar, och rovfiskar följer bytesdjur. FishBase har bjudit in sju experter som kommer att berätta om hur man med modern teknik kan spåra fiskars vandring över tid och rum, och vad man från det kan lära sig om deras ekologi och miljö! Jordan Matley (Flinders University, Australien) Global perspectives on tracking fishes with telemetry Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpeleta (AZTI, Spanien) Tracking Fishes through their DNA. Christopher Jerde (UCSB, USA) The critical role of data science in tracking fishes and monitoring global biodiversity Brian R. MacKenzie (DTU Aqua, Danmark) The return of a large migratory predator, bluefin tuna, to northern European waters - why did it come back, and how can we keep it coming back? David Righton (CEFAS, Storbritannien) The long slow road: tracking European eels across the Atlantic Ocean Robert J. Lennox (Dalhousie University, Kanada) Studying predation with electronic tagging and tracking technology - fundamental knowledge and applications to conservation Lucas P. Griffin (University of Massachusetts, USA) Unraveling the Migratory Mystery of the Atlantic Tarpon: A Call for Conservation   Tid: Måndag den 16 oktober 2023, heldag med start 9:30, slut 17:00. Registrering från 9:00. Plats: Stora hörsalen, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm. Poster: Det blir en posterutställning i anslutning till symposiet. Ange i din anmälan om du vill presentera en poster eller annat informationsmaterial. Anmälan: Lunch ingår om du anmält dig senast 12 oktober 2023. Anmäl dig HÄR eller Är ni en större grupp, tex skolklass eller en hel kurs, anmäl er via mail och inte formuläret. Information: Föredragen hålls på engelska. För närvarande är museet stängt på grund av problem med innertaken i byggnaden. De utrymmen symposiet hålls i har dock åtgärdats och bedöms som säkra, men renoveringsarbeten pågår fortfarande på museet. Ingången till symposiet kommer därför att nås via restaurang Fossilens egen entré.


Member States’ joint special group on the EU Action Plan

Dates: 06 October 2023

The first meeting of a new joint special group gathering Member States’ fisheries and environmental authorities, to support them in preparing their national roadmaps and to follow up on implementation.


Research presentation: PFAS in the Baltic Sea

Location: Stockholm, Sweden / online

Dates: 05 October 2023

5 October, Thursday, 13.00-14.00, Room TBC and on Zoom PFAS in the Baltic Sea Tove Porseryd, project researcher, Södertörn University   The subject of PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated substances) in our environments is a highly ‘toxic issue’ on the EU environmental policy agenda. Join the seminar and find out how these ‘forever chemicals’ affect human and non-human species. Tove is a researcher in the project ‘Health hazard in the Baltic sea: the effect of fluorinated substances on Baltic sea organisms’. Passcode 111