Past Events

Upcoming events

The need for Global Oceans Governance

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 06 June 2012

A panel discussion has been organised by the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament on global oceans governance. It is part of a wider meeting on the Rio+20 summit. It will take place in the Parliament from 15:00-18:30


The story of the European eel – how to ensure a happy ending?

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 05 June 2012

The Skåne European Office, representing a region from southern Sweden, has organised the seminar to highlight the situation of eel in Europe and discuss solutions on how to tackle the challenges. The meeting will take place in Brussels at Rue du Luxembourg 3, 1st floor between 1600-1730. RSVP to

Attached documents:

European Fish Week 2012

Dates: 04 - 12 June 2012

European Fish Week is organised by OCEAN2012, which is an alliance of organisations dedicated to transforming European fisheries policy to stop overfishing, end destructive fishing practices and deliver fair and equitable use of healthy fish stocks. During European Fish Week many events are organised by OCEAN2012 member groups in many European countries. For more information please check the OCEAN2012 website  or check out the link to the event in June 2011.


Regional Fisheries Management Organisations RFMO’s – Fit for the future

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 01 June 2012

The Commission has organised this conference to discuss the feature of regional fisheris management organisations. These institutions deal with shared fisheries outside of national waters.


ICES publish Baltic stock advice

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 31 May 2012


Baltic anglers meeting

Location: Riga, Latvia

Dates: 30 - 31 May 2012

This regional body, comprised of national angling organisations from the Baltic Sea region, will have a two day meeting with a focus on the Water Framework Directive.


Fisheries Committee (PECH) meeting, European Parliament

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 30 - 31 May 2012

The Committee will vote on amendments to the Stevenson (ECR, UK) report on the CMO. The EMFF will also be discussed along with the Baltic salmon long-term management plan.


The new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 30 May 2012

This is one of a series of hearings organized by the PECH (Fisheries) Committee in 2012. An agenda has not yet been published. Please check back as updated information is  forthcoming. In the meantime check the link below.


“Where have all the fish gone” – photo exhibition in the European Parliament

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 29 May - 01 June 2012

The exhibition will be displayed at the ASP ground floor, outside the MEP restaurant. Historical photos showing our record catches will be shown, which contrast markedly with the state of fish stocks today. On May 30, 1830-1930, speeches will be made by Professor Callum Roberts and Isabella Lövin (Greens/EFA, Sweden). On May 31, 1230-1400, room A5E1, Professor Roberts will present his new book "The Ocean of Life: The Fate of Man and the Sea", followed by a discussion.


Fish Dependence Day – Spain

Dates: 25 May 2012

Fish Dependence is the day on which imports have to be relied upon because national catches would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January. Despite having by far the largest fleet in the EU, Spain relies on imports for over 7 months per year to satisfy domestic demand for fish products.
