Past Events

Upcoming events

BS RAC Ex Com and General Assembly

Location: Tallinn, Estonia

Dates: 02 - 03 May 2012

More information will be posted shortly.


Green and Blue Growth: Challenges and opportunities for fisheries, aquaculture and the seafood industry

Location: Bilbao, Spain

Dates: 02 - 03 May 2012

Fisheries and aquaculture are important sources for proteins and livelihoods. They are based on the exploitation of renewable resources with a high potential for environmental degradation when production is not based on sustainable policies.
Green/blue growth policies in relation to fisheries and aquaculture production have to address different challenges in order to cope with issues of sustainability in the framework of increasing demand for fish protein, increasing production costs and increasing competition from other maritime productive and non-productive economic sectors and services.
In this context the workshop will investigate how fisheries and aquaculture can be integrated and operate sympathetically with the concept of a green economy.
For programme and registration informtion please see below.


Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting

Location: Luxembourg

Dates: 26 - 27 April 2012

Further orientation debates will take place concerning the CFP reform package. Agenda forthcoming.


Sustainable fisheries in the EU – getting incentives right

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 25 April 2012

The meeting will feature a panel discussion focusing on the proposals for TFCs in the Common Fisheries Policy reform. It will take place from 13.00 to 14.30 in the European Parliament, room ASP 3H1.

Attached documents:

The feasibility of transferable fishing concessions in the framework of the CFP reform

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 24 April 2012

This is one of a series of hearings organised by the PECH (Fisheries) Committee in 2012. An agenda has not yet been published. Please check back as updated information is  forthcoming. In the meantime check the link below.

Attached documents:

European Seafood Exposition

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 24 - 26 April 2012

This is the 20th edition of the world's largest seafood trade event, it will take place at the Brussels Exhibition & Conference Centre, Place de Belgique 1.


Fisheries Committee (PECH) meeting, European Parliament

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 23 - 24 April 2012

TFCs and regionalisation within the CFP reform will be discussed. An exchange of views will also take place on the proposed Baltic salmon multiannual plan.


Fish Fight Poland launch

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Dates: 23 April 2012

On Friday, April 23, Fish Fight will launch its Europe-wide discards ban campaign in Poland. The event will take place in front of the Polish Parliament (Sejm), and will be led by a Polish celebrity chef, Robert Makłowicz.  The event will be attended by policy makers, fishermen, environmental organizations, scientists, and the public. Youth will also be a big part of the event, as some schools in Warsaw have been invited to take part. To promote diversification of our fish eating habits, Robert Makłowicz will also demonstrate- by cooking on site- that it is possible to enjoy eating discarded/unwanted catches, as long as they are not undersized/juvenile fish or protected species. If you would like to join in, the event will take place 30 March, starting at noon until 14:00 at the Polish Sejm in Warsaw, Poland. Check the Fish Fight Poland website for more information.


Fish Fight Germany launch

Dates: 23 April 2012

On 23rd April, the Fish Fight campaign against discards will launch in Germany with an event outside the Bundestag. The aim of the campaign is to highlight wasteful fishing practices, which have led to half of all the fish caught in the North Sea being thrown back dead into the sea. Check Fish Fight Germany for more details.


Fish Dependence Day – Germany

Dates: 20 April 2012

Fish Dependence is the day on which imports have to be relied upon because national catches would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January. Germany relies on imports for over 8 months per year, to satisfy domestic demand for fish products. An NGO event will take place, to highlight Fish Dependence, in the Berlin market.
