Past Events

Upcoming events

Commissioner Damanaki visits the Baltic

Location: Riga, Latvia

Dates: 18 - 19 April 2012

The Commissioner will travel to Riga to discuss the CFP reform and maritime issues with representatives of the Latvian government and national stakeholders.


How should fish be caught?: Pathways to sustainable fisheries

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 12 April 2012

The event will take place in the European Parliament between 15:00 to 18:30. It is organised by The Greens/EFA and will discuss marine spatial planning, long-term management plans and co-management.


ICES Baltic fisheries assesment working group

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 12 - 19 April 2012


Technical meeting on MSY

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 30 March 2012

The Danish Presidency is organising the meeting for Member State representatives in preparation for the May Council meeting at which MSY will be discussed.


Rare & protected fish species: “Their management & conservation”

Location: Cardiff, United Kingdom

Dates: 28 - 29 March 2012

The conference, organised by The Institute of Fisheries Management, will feature new developments in the management, and ecological knowledge, of these valuable conservation species. The conference will be of direct relevance to any whose work involves the ecology or management (including impact assessment or exploitation) of these species.There are a number of species of fish in the UK which are afforded special protection through their scarcity or unique life history. Amongst these, the lampreys (Sea Lamprey, Petromyzon marinus and River Lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis) have, for some time, been included within the provisions of the Habitats Directive. Since the enactment of the Marine and Coastal Access Act in 2009, regulation of lamprey fisheries has become the responsibility of the Environment Agency. The smelt, Osmerus eperlanus , was also included within the regulatory provisions of the Act. Sessions (covering a number of species)
  • Historical overview
  • Monitoring
  • Policy & planning
  • Management
  • Conservation & ecology
  • Conservation and management priorities
Fees IFM members
  • Day conference Wednesday 28th, incl. refreshments & lunch - £ 90.00
  • Day conference Thursday 29th incl. refreshments & lunch - £ 90.00
  • Full conference day’s only 28th & 29th incl. refreshments & lunch - £ 160.00
  • Full conference (both days) plus 1 nights’ accommodation (28th) and conference dinner - £ 300.00
  • Conference dinner only (28th) £30
NON members
  • Day conference Wednesday 28th incl. refreshments & lunch - £ 130.00
  • Day conference Thursday 29th incl. refreshments & lunch £ 130.00
  • Full conference days only 28th&29th incl. refreshments & lunch - £ 210.00
  • Full conference (both days) plus 2 nights’ accommodation (27th & 28th) pre conference dinner and main conference dinner - £ 530.00
  • Conference dinner only (28th) £40
NOTE: The main conference dinner will also be available as a separate option, please contact for further information Those wishing to join the IFM to make use of the member’s rates and additional benefits please see: CPD points 6 credits / day attended Poster call Paper submission closed but call for posters still open, closing date March 18th 2012 Sponsors to date Contact: Scott West, IFM Development Officer E:    M:  07969 980327


The case for Maritime Spatial Planning: efficient resource management for sustainable growth

Location: Belgium, Brussels

Dates: 26 March 2012

The official agenda is attached below.[gallery link="file"]

Attached documents:

Joint STECF/ICES on multiannual management plans

Location: Rostock, Germany

Dates: 26 - 30 March 2012

An impact assessment of the proposed multispecies management plan for the Baltic, as well as those for mixed fisheries in the North Sea and Kattegat will be discussed.


Can the EU ensure sustainable fisheries? Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 23 March 2012

The conference will focus on the reform of the CFP. Speakers include the Danish Fisheries Minister; Mette Gjerskov as well as the rapporteurs for the basic regulation and external dimension; Ulrika Rodust and Isabella Lövin. It will run from 10-15.30 on March 23 at Christiansborg (The Danish Parliament), Landstingssalen. Registration is required.


Fisheries Committee (PECH) meeting

Dates: 21 March 2012

Agenda forthcoming. A vote on the amendments to the Cadec (EPP, FR) report on the CFP European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) will take place.


The issue of regionalisation in the context of the CFP reform

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 21 March 2012

This is one of a series of hearings organised by the Fisheries Committee (PECH) in 2012.
