
October 2, 2009

Ministers, Commissioner set sight on discard ban

In a joint declaration in Stockholm, eight Baltic Sea fisheries ministers and Commissioner Joe Borg have announced plans to develop a road map for a ban on discards. The road map, to be worked out in 2010, would aim at banning discards in the Baltic cod fishery, a measure that has been in force for … Continued

October 2, 2009

EP Fisheries Committee reacts to Guinea violence

Reacting to renewed violence in the African state of Guinea, the EU Parliament Fisheries Committee has rejected a draft fisheries agreement between the Union and Guinea. The agreement would had provided €450,000 a year in EU funding to develop Guinea’s fisheries sector, and meanwhile allow EU boats to fish in Guinean waters. The vote took … Continued

October 1, 2009

Transparency made opaque

An EU initiative to create more transparency in the handing out of fisheries subsidies has rather resulted in more obscurity, a new report says. The report for, a British NGO dedicated to obtaining and publishing data on EU funding, was authored by investigative journalist Brigitte Alfter, a co-founder of Headlined “Slipping through the net: … Continued

October 1, 2009

No October, November eel on Dutch sandwiches

A two-month moratorium on eel fishing in Holland took force on October 1, making Dutch professional fishermen publicly predict their soon demise. The European Union has set a goal of a 40 per cent escapement, and the member states were two years ago asked to submit national recovery plans to that end to the Commission … Continued

September 30, 2009

Regionalisation – but how?

Some 150 stakeholders, civil servants, scientists and politicians listened, learned and debated regionalisation – one of the perhaps most popular, but complex aspects of the upcoming CFP reform. The high-level conference, organised by FISH, Pew Environment Group and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) as a joint OCEAN2012 and WWF event, in order to … Continued

September 30, 2009

WWF protests possible weakening of Control Proposal

The proposed EU Control Regulation, still subject to last-minute debate and last-second changes, has led the WWF to issue an angry letter to both ministers and attachés. The World Wide Fund for Nature says some of the most important control priorities are now running the risk of being scrapped from the final proposal, which the … Continued

September 24, 2009

ITQs, VQSs making Danish fishery float

Just a few years ago, Danish fishermen faced the situation of being the biggest EU exporter of fish and seafood, and still running a far from profitable business. Overcapacity was the biggest problem, and transferable rights have been the solution, Danish experts now say, looking at a balanced situation. With an overcapacity of 30 percent … Continued

September 23, 2009

Unprecedented global industry summit on marine environment

For the first time in history, cross-sectorial private industry interests will gather next year for a World Summit on how to address ocean environmental challenges. For the first time in history, cross-sectorial private industry interests will gather next year for a World Summit on how to address ocean environmental challenges. The meeting on “Corporate Ocean … Continued

September 17, 2009

UK outlines priorities for CFP reform

At a breakfast meeting this morning, the environment secretary Hilary Benn and the fisheries minister Huw Irranca-Davies outlined UK priorities for the upcoming reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy. A wide range of stakeholders had gathered at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) this morning to hear the UK Secretary of … Continued

September 17, 2009

Small-scale website

A new website has been launched to put the lights on small-scale fisheries in view of the upcoming EU Common Fisheries Policy reform. The responsible organisation is The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), an international non-governmental outfit that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, … Continued