
July 25, 2008

Clean Up the Baltic

The second International “Clean Up the Baltic” initiative was organized in Poland on 16 August by Our Earth Foundation (Fundacja Nasza Ziemia). The campaign aims to draw attention to the problem of pollution in the Baltic region and to raise awareness of the consequences. A variety of activities took place in Poland; beaches as well … Continued

July 25, 2008


The Fisheries Secretariat (FISH) is looking to recruit a new staff member; a Policy Officer. The Policy Officer will take part in our work on “greening” international fisheries policy, with a focus on cod and IUU in the Baltic region.

July 16, 2008

Adopted fuel emergency measures contradicts long-term policies

On 15 July, the Fisheries Council adopted an emergency package to tackle the fuel crisis in the fisheries sector, providing an extra €600 million in support of the European fishing industry. According to the Commission, the current crisis in the fishing sector is caused by falling fish prices, delays in reducing the size of the … Continued

July 4, 2008

Mixed outcome at Fisheries Council

Environmental groups welcome the Fisheries Council’s decision on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fisheries, but regret that no precautionary measures to freeze the footprint of deep water fisheries have been adopted. The much debated increase in fuel subsidies was regrettably not discussed at the Fisheries Council’s meeting 23-24 June 2008. Regulation on Illegal, Unreported and … Continued

July 2, 2008

The Kattegat cod stock probably even lower than calculated

The Kattegat cod stock is estimated to be at its lowest level since 1971. The biomass of reproducing fish has been reduced by as much as 95%. There are no signs of recovery and since the year 2000 this stock has been considered by ICES to be outside of safe biological limits. This is concluded … Continued

June 27, 2008

Situation for cod still troublesome

Scientists from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) announced today that the situation for the cod stock continues to be problematic. The advice from ICES shows that the cod stock is overfished in almost all EU waters due to high levels of discards and overexploitation. According to ICES, the situation for … Continued

June 24, 2008

European Commission open for harmful fuel subsidies

Fishermen in several Member States are pressing their governments for additional public aid to help with rising fuel costs. Fuel for the fisheries sector is already heavily subsidized and this is a controversial issue. To tackle the fuel crisis the European Commission has agreed in principle on the contents of an emergency package of measures. … Continued

May 23, 2008

ICES advice

Today, ICES’ Advisory Committee (ACOM) published their advice regarding the exploitation of the Baltic Sea fish stocks in 2009. FISH has made a summary of the ICES advice regarding the two Baltic cod stocks, which can be found under hot topics.

May 20, 2008

Polish Ministry of Agriculture announces cod fishing ban for Polish fishermen, starting 22 May

Polish fishing vessels larger than 12 meters will not be fishing for cod in the Baltic Sea this summer. The Minister of Agriculture, Marek Sawicki, signed a legally binding order which limits cod fishing activities from 22 May until 30 September. Kazimierz Plocke, the Polish Vice-Minister of Agriculture, released this information at a press conference … Continued

May 19, 2008

NGO fisheries Workshop in Warsaw

On 8-9 May, FISH organised a workshop in Warsaw, Poland, to address current NGO work efforts with fisheries in the Baltic Sea. The programme of the workshop included: Discussions on strengthening and broadening the Swedish-Polish and the regional cooperation on marine and fisheries issues. Information-sharing about ongoing and planned activities and current fisheries policy issues. … Continued