
October 28, 2020

Uncertainties of Brexit in this year’s TAC proposal

In the proposal for fishing opportunities for 2021, the Commission is showing some commitment to end overfishing but much uncertainty remains over stocks shared with the United Kingdom. A roll-over is likely on provisions for a 3-month ban of eel fishing. Yesterday, the Commission published its proposal for 2021 catch limits for fish stocks in … Continued

October 22, 2020

EU set TAC quotas for the Baltic Sea region

The usual tough debate regarding the Baltic Sea fishing quotas is now over, resulting in an overall acceptance of the ICES advice but still with some major concerns regarding the eastern Baltic cod and the western herring. The TACs for 8 out of 10 stocks are following the ICES advice. However, ecosystem-based management and the … Continued

October 6, 2020

Legendary Swedish fisheries influencer passed away

Reine J. Johansson, recent spokesperson for the Swedish Pelagic Federation, has sadly died. Reine was possibly the greatest Swedish influencer of both international and national fisheries policy in all times. Before becoming a representative of the Swedish fisheries sector, Reine Johansson was an active member of the Swedish Social Democratic Party as a young man … Continued

October 2, 2020

Commission withdraws proposals for European eel and Baltic Salmon

Only two days ago, the Commission withdrew two important proposals that could have led to better protection and more sustainable fisheries for two species in trouble: Baltic salmon and European eel. Both proposals had been through first readings in the European Parliament and had support from many environmental organisations. Proposal to safeguard Baltic salmon populations … Continued

September 28, 2020

WWF is calling for partial ban on bottom trawling in the Baltic

In connection with today’s EU-conference Our Baltic, WWF is calling on the Baltic Ministers to reconsider bottom trawling, which is one of the most damaging fishing methods, claiming it is preventing recovery of the ailing ecosystem the attainment of conservation objectives. In the report launched today, A sea under pressure: Bottom trawling impacts in the … Continued

September 28, 2020

Our Baltic Declaration signed – nature has spoken, now it’s time to act!

A declaration to improve the environment in the Baltic Sea was signed today by minsters of all EU Baltic Sea countries at the Our Baltic conference, hosted by the European Commission. Topics conversed during this one-day event stretched over several important issue areas such as marine litter, microplastics, ghost nets, impacts of bottom trawling, sustainable … Continued

September 25, 2020

Eel regulation not yet in line with Lisbon Treaty

The adoption of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2007 should have resulted in a revision of the Eel Regulation, incorporating changes in decision-making procedures and Commission powers. However, a Commission proposal to do so was never agreed upon and is now being withdrawn, leaving European eel without much needed ‘new’ Commission tools and proper scrutiny … Continued

September 25, 2020

ICES advice on European eel for 2021

The Joint EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM Working Group on Eels is meeting online this week (21–27 September). The Working Group is currently chaired by Jan-Dag Pohlmann from the Thünen Institute, Germany. Its meeting will be followed by the ICES Advice Drafting Group on Eel (ADGEEL) on 19-20 October. This year’s ICES advice on eel is scheduled to be … Continued

September 18, 2020

HELCOM is revising targets on European eel

The HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) is currently being revised. The existing plan already contains several targets for European eel. Improvements being discussed now are how to prioritise mitigation measures that will allow eels to pass migration barriers in Baltic rivers, and a phasing out of all recreational fisheries for eel by 2022. Coalition … Continued

September 1, 2020

Commission proposal on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2021

The EU Commission has published their proposal on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2021. While the Commission proposes to increase fishing opportunities for salmon in the main basin and the herring stock of the Gulf of Riga, the larger part of the stocks is proposed to decrease. For sprat, herring in the Gulf … Continued