
January 29, 2008

NGO response to proposals to protect sharks and deep sea ecosystems

Last year, the European Commission came forward with a proposal to protect vulnerable ecosystems in the high seas from bottom-trawling as well as a consultation paper on a Community Plan of Action for Sharks. According to European environmental organisations, both are steps in the right direction but do not go far enough to create effective … Continued

January 28, 2008

The Swedish Board of Fisheries suggests 50% down sizing of the Swedish fishing fleet

In the Sunday issue of Sweden’s major daily news paper “Dagens Nyheter”, the General Director of the Swedish board of fisheries, Axel Wenblad, along with his colleagues Johan Löwenander-Davidsson and Bengt Strömblom, suggest national actions such as downsizing of the fishing fleet and stronger control efforts in order to recover dwindling fish stocks. The Swedish … Continued

January 9, 2008

Good conditions may be behind good salmon year

Earlier reports from a tackle trade association of a dramatic rise this year in Swedish upriver migration of Baltic salmon, arguably a direct consequence of the driftnet ban in the Baltic in effect since 1 January 2008, are being questioned by government experts as “premature”. More than 80 per cent of wild salmon in the … Continued

December 20, 2007

Sweden sets aside part of cod quota for coastal vessels

The Swedish Board of Fisheries recently decided on a national management plan for Baltic Sea cod. A main component is the allocation of a part of the quota for each of the Baltic stocks to the coastal fishing vessels using nets rather than trawls. In June this year, the European Council agreed on a joint … Continued

December 20, 2007

No Christmas for fish in the sea

At the end of this year’s negotiations on fishing possibilities for 2008, Scottish fish processor may be jubilant but environmental NGOs and the public are not. In Sweden, people are signing a petition to save the cod in Kattegat. While writing this article, another 289 people added their names to the list. Short-term interests prevail … Continued

December 19, 2007

Pope calls for greater care for the environment

In a recent message to the public celebrating the world day of peace on 1 January 2008, Pope Benedict XVI calls for environmental consciousness. Can the Vatican’s interest in sustainable development lead to better management of European fish stocks? In his public message released on 8 December on the Vatican website, among other things Pope … Continued

December 18, 2007

Greenpeace blocked EU council building

Yesterday, in a protest against the failures of the Fisheries Council, Greenpeace blocked the entrance of the EU building where the EU ministers of agriculture and fisheries were to have their two-day meeting negotiating 2008 fishing quotas in EU waters, the Baltic Sea excepted. Greenpeace activists built a 30 meter long and 2.5 meters high … Continued

December 17, 2007

Alarming report on Kattegat cod stocks

Unless action is taken, the cod in the Kattegat will vanish completely, according to the Marine Laboratory in Lysekil, Sweden. Multiple surveys performed by the laboratory during this year have not discovered any new cod recruits. According to a study previously conducted by the Swedish Board of Fisheries, the Kattegat cod stock is in its … Continued

December 4, 2007

New Polish Government keen to collaborate with the EU

After the October elections, a coalition government is now in power in Poland. Contrary to the previous leaders, the new government will promote a better relationship with the EU. For example, closer collaboration on environmental issues, such as the designation of Natura 2000 areas, renewable energy sources and water management initiatives, can be expected. Following … Continued

December 4, 2007

Damning European Court of Auditors report on CFP and control

Unreliable catch data, inspections of limited effectiveness, systems for following up infringements and imposing sanctions that are often inappropriate, in a context of overcapacity jeopardising compliance with the rules, are identified as the causes of the failure of the Common Fisheries Policy to maintain the sustainable exploitation of living aquatic resources. The report concludes that, … Continued