
April 24, 2005

COFI adopts ecolabelling guideline

The FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) adopted international guidelines on the ecolabelling of marine fisheries products, aimed at promoting sustainable and ecologically responsible fisheries, at their meeting in Rome, 7-11 March. The new FAO guidelines set out principles for ecolabelling of products from marine capture fisheries and specify the minimum requirements and criteria for assessing … Continued

April 24, 2005

Tsunami victims, deepsea fisheries and MPAs discussed at COFI

The FAO’s Committee on Fisheries met in Rome to discuss pressing issues, including progress towards responsible fisheries, deep sea fisheries and rehabilitating fisheries affected by the December tsunami. The 26th meeting of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI), a subsidiary body of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), was held in Rome, 7-11 March. … Continued

April 20, 2005

EU Fisheries Council give go-ahead to new Fisheries Control Agency

When EU Fisheries and Agricultural Ministers met on 26 April, a regulation to set up the new EU Fisheries Control Agency was adopted.

March 24, 2005

Fisheries managers failing to protect marine wildlife

In a recent study BirdLife International reports that Regional Fisheries Management Organisations are largely failing in their obligation to reduce seabird bycatch. In a report released 7 March, BirdLife International concluded that Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) are largely failing in their duty to reduce albatross bycatch in longline fisheries. Nineteen of the 21 species … Continued

March 24, 2005

Stakeholder conference on European Marine Strategy

A conference in Rotterdam on 10-11 November 2004 marked the end of the stakeholder consultation process on the development of a European Marine Strategy. The main purpose of the conference was to discuss: the basic documents for elaborating the Strategy the practical implications of applying the ecosystem approach to provide an integrated management regime the … Continued

March 23, 2005

Conference on sustainable EU fisheries

On 8-9 November, the Fisheries Secretariat and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) held a conference in the European Parliament on Sustainable EU fisheries – facing the environmental challenges. Under the patronage of the Dutch Presidency of the Council, the Fisheries Secretariat and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) held a high level … Continued

March 23, 2005

New Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs

The new European Commissioner for Fisheries is likely to be Dr Joe Borg from Malta, a previous Minister of Foreign Affairs. According to himself, he is committed to promoting sustainable fisheries as well as improving the living conditions of fishing communities. On August 12, the new President-designate of the European Commission, José Manuel Durão Barroso, … Continued

March 15, 2005

New EU Parliament in place after elections

After the elections in all EU Member States in June, the new European Parliament opened again in July. The new Chair of the Committee on Fisheries is Philippe Morillon from France, a member of the ALDE group. Following the June 2004 elections in all EU Member States, the “new” European Parliament opened in July. At … Continued

January 15, 2005

Review of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy

The EU Sustainable Development Strategy, adopted by the Heads of State in Gothenburg in 2001, will be reviewed by the new Commission. The review will assess where the strategy has worked and where it has not, as well as what needs to be done in order to achieve further progress towards long-term sustainable development. At … Continued

January 10, 2005

Marine focus at Flora- & Fauna Conference

The theme for 2004 was the Swedish environmental quality objectives, with a special focus on the objectives for the marine environment and for forests Marine focus at Flora- & Fauna Conference The Swedish Species Information Centre hosts the Flora- and Fauna Conservation Conference in April every year. The theme for 2004 was the Swedish environmental … Continued