
August 30, 2019

EU Commission proposal for Baltic Fishing Opportunities 2020 published

The EU Commission has adopted a proposal for fishing opportunities for 2020 for the Baltic Sea. The Commission press release with link to the proposal can be found here:   NGOs recommendations on Baltic fishing opportunities for 2020 are available here:   Response to Commission proposal by NGOs: Seas At Risk, Our Fish … Continued

August 23, 2019

NGOs call on EU: Lead the fight against illegal fishing in regional management

In a recent report NGOs have called on the EU to lead efforts against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in international waters managed by regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs). By promoting best practice measures the EU can lead efforts to successfully implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially target 14.4 to “effectively regulate … Continued

August 19, 2019

Op-ed: Finland can lead the EU in ending overfishing

In July, Finland assumed two important roles that could have a significant impact on the Baltic Sea, EU fish stocks and the health of the ocean globally.

August 19, 2019

Iberian sardine, a tale of poor management

In a letter to the European Commission, Spanish and Portuguese governments twelve environmental organisations have detailed the mismanagement of the Iberian sardine stock (Sardina pilchardus).

August 15, 2019

NGOs call on the European Commission to take legal action over huge number of whale and dolphin deaths

Environmental NGOs have jointly called on the European Commission to take legal action against 15 EU governments for failing in their legal duty to protect whales, dolphins and porpoises in the North East Atlantic from capture in fishing nets (bycatch).

August 14, 2019

EU Commission steps in to protect Baltic cod

On 22 July 2019 the European Commission approved emergency measures to protect eastern Baltic cod. This is detailed in Implementing Regulation 2019/1248 “establishing measures to alleviate a serious threat to the conservation of the eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) stock”.

July 10, 2019 to blow whistle on unethical or illegal fishing practices

A new website launched today,, aims to provide a confidential, anonymous and secure way for people working in the fishing industry, public authorities or other areas to report what they believe are improper, unethical or illegal fishing practices.

July 4, 2019

EU evaluation of eel management in final stages

In April 2018 the European Commission released a Roadmap for its evaluation of the Eel Regulation. Since then, two public consultations have been carried out, in parallel with an external evaluation of regulation and its national implementation. Conclusions were expected early this year, but has now been delayed until after the summer. The ongoing evaluation … Continued

July 2, 2019

Jubilee puts eel in the spotlight

The Sustainable Eel Group has celebrated their 10 year anniversary with a full week of eel-inspired activities, ending with a two-day conference in London. For a few days, this put a much needed spotlight on the state of European eel and all that ails it. On its way from egg to mature silver eel, the … Continued

June 18, 2019

Over 10 million Eastern Baltic cod illegally discarded last year

According to data collected by the ICES Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group over 10 million Eastern Baltic cod were thrown away last year. The EU landing obligation has however made it illegal to discard Baltic cod since 2015.