
December 12, 2023

Press Release: Fisheries Ministers watered down eel measures again

Fisheries Council deal: eel fishing closures in EU waters remain but are watered down again, allowing continued fishing for much of the peak migration period for glass eel and possible concessions in the Baltic region. The ban on recreational fisheries in marine waters remain. The decision is taken against stark and clear scientific advice calling … Continued

November 16, 2023

Gulf of Riga herring – the only healthy Baltic herring stock

Photo by Payllik Out of four herring stocks in the Baltic Sea three are in great distress, whereas the Riga herring is doing fine and has been stable or even increased over the last two decades. The reasons for this were discussed at a recent Baltic Breakfast hosted by the Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm university. … Continued

November 10, 2023

Disappointing new measures on glass eel in the Mediterranean

This week, the management of European Eel has been discussed at the 46th Annual Session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). The Mediterranean has been forging ahead on eel management in recent years, leading the way compared to the rest of the EU. But the new Recommendation adopted today is somewhat disappointing. … Continued

November 8, 2023

Small Fish – Big Impact, new FishSec project highlights the importance of forage fish

Stockholm, 8 November, 2023: FishSec is happy to announce that our new project Small Fish – Big Impact has started. This project, generously funded by the Swedish Postcode Lottery, will focus on the small but important fish known as forage fish, the importance of these species in the Baltic Sea and the need to manage these … Continued

November 1, 2023

ICES repeats zero catch advice for eel

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ICES, published its scientific advice for European eel for 2024 today. It is echoing last year’s advice: zero catches in all habitats and for all life stages and zero mortality for all non-fisheries related human impacts. European eel is not recovering and yet most EU countries … Continued

October 31, 2023

HELCOM releases report on the State of the Baltic Sea – HOLAS 3

Today, the 31st of October 2023, HELCOM released its new holistic assessment of the state of the Baltic Sea. Every 6th year a new assessment is done, this is the third one called HOLAS 3. It is a massive report comprising five themes into one large holistic assessment: 1) biodiversity, 2) eutrophication, 3) hazardous substances, … Continued

October 25, 2023

Council decision a major setback for Baltic fish stocks and the environment

Yesterday at the Agrifish council meeting, fisheries ministers agreed on the Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2024. The Commission proposal, which emphasised the urgent need of precautionary measures for several fish stocks, was downplayed, leaving business as usual as the main outcome.   The most unsettling decisions concerned the Bothnian and Central Baltic herring populations. … Continued

October 24, 2023

EU ministers set quotas for Baltic herring that defy fisheries laws

PRESS RELEASE from: BalticWaters, Coalition Clean Baltic, ClientEarth, the Danish Society for Nature Conservation, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, The Fisheries Secretariat, Oceana, Seas At Risk, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, and WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme.  Luxembourg, 24 October 2023: Today EU fisheries ministers have taken decisions concerning declining Baltic Sea herring stocks that will actively contribute to … Continued

October 19, 2023

Fisheries ministers poised to breach EU law and exacerbate Baltic ecosystem crisis, NGOs warn

On 23rd October, EU fisheries ministers will set Baltic Sea fishing limits for next year. Their decisions will likely breach EU law and worsen the dire state of the Baltic Sea, as Member States have made clear that they don’t support cuts to Baltic fishing opportunities in order to bring them in line with legal … Continued

October 17, 2023

FishBase symposium on tracking fish 2023

Tracking fish through telemetry and other methods is a research field of high importance when learning about fish ecology, as well as the promising field of eDNA. On the 16th of October the annual FishBase symposium took place, and FishSec participated and presented a poster from our eel project BALTEEL-RECO. Exiting take aways from the … Continued