
March 6, 2018

NGO coalition call on Danish fisheries minister to act after reports on illegal, unreported discarding of fish

In an open letter to the Danish fisheries minister Karen Ellemann, dated 21 February, seven NGOs call on Denmark to take action to stop the widespread illegal and unreported discarding in the Baltic cod fishery and suggest solutions for a successful Landing Obligation, which is an obligation under the EU common fisheries policy (CFP).

December 21, 2017

Red flags for EU fishing quotas

Ahead of the December Council meeting at which quotas for the Northeast Atlantic and North Sea are set, The Fisheries Secretariat along with Seas At Risk, The Pew Charitable Trusts, ClientEarth and Oceana provided a briefing to Ministers with recommendations for 16 stocks identified as being in environmentally poor condition and having been mismanaged. Ministers … Continued

December 21, 2017

WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies!

Trade treaties with teeth are in practice often a major hurdle to environmental protection measures. Trade hawks routinely claim that this need not be so. Sometimes they say that governments are unnecessarily cautious. Another stock reply is that the solution is international environmental rules, giving everyone a level playing field.

December 19, 2017

Kicking the Can, Not Walking the Walk

The ink is hardly dry from this summer’s UN high level Ocean Conference, but the EU seems to have forgotten it already.

December 13, 2017

EU Fisheries Council 2018 agrees catch limits for the main commercial fish stocks in the Atlantic and North Sea

The EU Fisheries Council has agreed on a regulation setting the 2018 catch limits for the main commercial fish stocks in the Atlantic and North Sea. On 13 December 2017 after all-night negotiations, the Council reached a political agreement on a regulation concerning the 2018 fishing opportunities for the main commercial fish stocks in the Atlantic and … Continued

December 8, 2017

EU reaches provisional agreement on North Sea management plan

In the early hours of the morning, the Estonian Presidency of the EU announced that the trilogue negotiations between the Parliament, Council and Commission had been concluded on the North Sea multiannual management plan (NSMAP). The final document will not be made public until later this month.

December 8, 2017

EU – Norway agreement on fishing limits for shared stocks in 2018 published

The agreed record of the fisheries consultation between Norway and the European Union for 2018 was recently published. It contains some very interesting and relevant discussions and agreements.

December 8, 2017

NGOs call for the Fisheries Council to end overfishing

On 11 & 12 December, the Fisheries Council will meet to agree fishing quotas in the Northeast Atlantic and North Sea for 2018. Ahead of this meeting, the Fisheries Secretariat, together with Seas At Risk, Pew, Oceana, ClientEarth, have called on EU Fisheries Ministers to follow current scientific advice and end overfishing.

October 20, 2017

Job opportunity: Help fish and fishermen

FishSec is recruiting a fisheries policy officer to work with the implementation of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), focusing on regionalisation and fisheries management in the Baltic Sea. Work tasks include analysing scientific advice and policy proposals, writing policy briefs, as well as extensive contact with other stakeholders i.e. through the Baltic Sea Advisory … Continued

October 18, 2017

Precautionary approach ignored – data poor stocks overfished

This year’s quota setting for Baltic cod raises serious questions as to whether data poor fish stocks receive necessary protection and the precautionary approach is being applied, which according to experts is a legal obligation.