
April 12, 2016

Key Member States fear EU directive will give Regional Sea Conventions some teeth

The Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) met in Brussels on April 7th to further the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

April 1, 2016

EU institutions are failing fisheries management

In a recent paper by Ramirez-Monsalve et al, the conflicting governance and management structures within the EU are identified as key impediments to the implementation of the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management (EAFM).

March 29, 2016

Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Workshop

We kindly invite you to the workshop “Towards Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management in the Baltic Sea” on 16-17 June in Stockholm, Sweden. The workshop is being organised by The Fisheries Secretariat, Baltic Eye at the Baltic Sea Centre and ICES. See the following link for the agenda Please register for the workshop here Speakers include representatives from … Continued

March 29, 2016

EU takes backward step in meeting MSY objective

In 2014, less EU stocks were fished at or below Fmsy, 31 of 59, than the year before. Fishing, measured as the increase in F/Fmsy, increased by 9%. Meanwhile, 60% of assessed stocks were outside Safe Biological Limits (SBL).

March 16, 2016

Deal struck on Baltic multiannual plan

The first multiannual plan (MAP) under the new CFP was agreed last night after a deal was struck at trilogue. It will cover management of the Baltic cod, sprat and herring stocks.

March 11, 2016

Proposals launched to transform EU technical regulations

Today, the Commission published its proposal for new conservation measures for European fisheries. This marks the beginning of a co-process to decentralise technical measures to regional and local levels, and delegate detailed decision-making away from Brussels.

February 26, 2016

Commission made aware of Landing Obligation difficulties

In a stakeholder meeting in Brussels, the fishing industry made their concerns with the landing obligation known to the Commission, who are evaluating the policy so far.

February 11, 2016

Landing obligation opportunity risks being squandered

The recent paper by Pauly and Zeller, which sought to reconstruct global fishery catches, has argued that removals have been 30% higher than previous estimates. Their findings have been disputed by the FAO.

February 4, 2016

Technical measures in BALTFISH and the Baltic Sea Advisory Committee

A BALTFISH technical working group and the Baltic Sea Advisory Committee’s (BSAC) working group coordinated back-to-back meetings in Gdynia, Poland on January 26-28.

January 29, 2016

New leadership for the Fisheries Secretariat

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Jan Isakson as director for FishSec. Jan is currently senior campaigner for Greenpeace in Stockholm and and takes over as FishSec director in March. With the new leadership comes a new website and logo, launched this week: We hope the new design will enable you to stay … Continued