
August 25, 2014

STECF sceptic to exclude seal damaged fish from Baltic Sea landing obligation

STECF have raised skepticism on two issues in the BALTFISH discard ban plan for the Baltic Sea; namely, that exemptions for seal damaged fish will make the ban difficult to control and that it is more appropriate to use de minimis rule also for seal damaged fish. These concerns have earlier been called for by FISH, and other NGOs active in the region, in our communication with BALTFISH.

August 21, 2014

Ship noise – a reason for eel declines?

A new study by scientists from the University of Exeter and Bristol in the UK has shown that eels are losing the fight to survive when faced with marine noise pollution such as that of passing ships as they lose crucial responses to predator threats.

August 20, 2014

Baltic multispecies plan expected to be proposed by the Commission shortly

The Baltic Sea multispecies management plan will be the first of a series of new management plans under the new CFP that will ”put the meat on the bones of the reform”.

August 11, 2014

Quota deductions announced for Member States that exceeded their quota in 2013

The European Commission announced deductions from 2014 fishing quotas to a group of ten Member States that have exceeded their quotas for 2013.

August 5, 2014

Public consultation: Second draft of the new Block Exemption Regulation

Block exemption regulations aim to simplify aid granting procedures for Member States by authorising without prior notification a range of measures fulfilling horizontal common interest objectives.

July 11, 2014

Advisory Councils and the new Common Fisheries Policy

Client Earth looks closer a the provisions of the Common Fisheries Policy dealing with Advisory Councils, explaining when they must be consulted, and what the process should involve.

July 11, 2014

EU out of fish for 2014

From today and onwards Europeans will be eating fish from outside their own waters.

July 8, 2014

New Chair of the Committee on Fisheries

Yesterday Alain Cadec (EPP) was elected as the new Chair of the Committee on Fisheries. The Committee also elected its vice-chairs Isabella Lövin (Greens/EFA), Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (EPP), Werner Kuhn (EPP) and Renata Briano (S&D).

July 7, 2014

NGO priorities for the MSFD programmes of measures

FISH has in collaboration with a wide network of international and national NGOS, under lead by Seas At Risk, produced a joint NGO paper on priorities for the MSFD programmes of measures.

July 1, 2014

HELCOM Secretariat appoints new Professional Secretary

The current Professional Secretary at the HELCOM Secretariat, Mikhail Durkin will as of today step down from his position after serving the secretariat for over six and a half years.