
November 9, 2013

First trilogue on EMFF moved to 13 November

The trilogue discussions between Council, European Parliament and the Commission on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund should have begun yesterday. This first meeting has, however, been cancelled.

October 23, 2013

Parliament takes one step beyond the madness of fishing subsidies

In their final vote on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the European Parliament demonstrated again its ability to vote for responsible, science-based management. Their amendments to the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), the €6.5 billion subsidy package, aim to enhance stock recovery and end environmentally harmful subsidies.

October 22, 2013

Invasive species in focus at FishBase Symposium

FishBase held its annual Symposium in Stockholm yesterday focusing on invasive species. A number of invited researchers shared their expertise and knowledge of past, current and future invasive species in European waters and possible management actions.

October 17, 2013

Regionalisation results in fast decision on Baltic quotas

Today, an agreement on Baltic quotas for 2014 was quickly reached, following regional negotiations between the Baltic Member States in the new BALTFISH structure. Commissioner Damanaki highlighted the agreement as a success “for Baltic fish stocks and for EU regionalisation”.

October 14, 2013

Fisheries subsidies – you get what you pay for

On October 23, the European Parliament (EP) plenary vote on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), the subsidy package of the CFP, will take place. Several controversial amendments are on the table and voting is expected to be close, however, there are also many opportunities which can help the EU to invest in a healthier and more profitable fishing industry.

October 4, 2013

Russian representative to HELCOM receives public signatures

At the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in Copenhagen yesterday, the signatures from the Baltic public in support of swift actions to improve the health of the Baltic Sea were handed over to the Russian delegation.

October 3, 2013

HELCOM Ministerial Declaration agreed – Environmental ministers severely delay deadlines to restore the Baltic Sea

While the Baltic Sea Action Plan will be fully implemented, the good environmental status of the troubled sea will not be reached by 2021.

October 3, 2013

RFTB hands over public call for action to Poland

The Race for the Baltic campaign delegation also met with the Polish Government representative Mr Andrzej Jagusiewicz at the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting to hand over the signatures from the Baltic public collected this summer calling for more ambitious action to restore the health of the Baltic Sea.

October 3, 2013

RFTB hands over signatures to Sweden’s environment minister

A delegation representing the Race for the Baltic campaign handed over the more than 25,000 public signatures collected this summer, calling on Baltic environment ministers to take action to improve the health of the Baltic Sea, to the Swedish Minister Lena Ek.

October 3, 2013

HELCOM still debating key issues in Ministerial Declaration

Yesterday, the HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting in Copenhagen made good progress on the outstanding issue on fisheries and actually strengthened the wording of the declaration, but several key issues remain for the ministers to resolve today.