
March 30, 2012

Swedes call for more fish in the sea

Lars Tysklind, a Swedish liberal MP, hosted a stakeholder event in the Swedish Parliament alongside GLOBE and WWF Sweden. To work on the CFP reform, WWF formed an alliance in 2009 with processers, retailers and chefs. The latter groups all work with fish products once they have been landed and the meeting highlighted their desire to supply sustainable produce to consumers.

March 29, 2012

Fish Fight launch in Poland: date change

Due to unforeseen circumstances the Fish Fight launch in Poland will be postponed to 23 April.

March 28, 2012

Danish Minister talks up a sustainable CFP at NGO conference

In a well-attended conference in the Danish Parliament last Friday, Mette Gjerskov, the Danish Fisheries Minster laid out her ambitions for the CFP reform. The event was organised by a group of Danish NGOs and also featured presentations from the rapporteurs Ulrika Rodust (S&D, DE) and Isabella Lövin (Greens, Sweden), along with coastal fishermen’s representative, Naseegh Jaffer, and the researcher Seth Macinko.

March 20, 2012

External dimension first step forward on reform

At yesterday’s Council meeting, a set of conclusions were adopted on the External dimension, marking the first formal step of agreement on aspects of CFP reform.

March 20, 2012

MSY discussed in Poland: a difficult road ahead?

On March 13, a seminar on ‘Restoring ecological balance as a priority for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy’ was organized by the OCEAN2012 coalition, in close collaboration with the Polish Parliamentary Group on Maritime Economy. The aim of the seminar was to discuss potential changes the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy may bring upon the Polish fisheries sector, such as the implementation of the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) limit, and the inevitable economic pitfalls if fisheries management persists ‘business-as-usual’ without regard for maintaining ecological balance.

March 19, 2012

Fisheries Council supports closing loopholes on shark finning

Today, a proposal from the European Commission to adjust the current regulation on shark finning was debated in Council. The changes put an end to derogations from the current shark finning ban which allows some vessels to remove fins onboard and it was agreed that the Council supports this.

March 19, 2012

Fishery-based approach will be taken for EU discard ban

At the Fisheries Council meeting today, Commissioner Damanaki made clear that the Commission is willing to listen to the Member States and revise its approach to the EU discard ban, moving from a species approach to a fishery-based approach.

March 16, 2012

Commission fines Spain for overfishing

Due to overfishing of horse mackerel, blue whiting and monkfish in Galicia, the European Commission has fined the Spanish government and cut their quotas for 2012.

March 16, 2012

Does selectivity reduce sustainability?

A recent study published in the journal Science has challenged the concept of selective fishing as an efficient way to maximise the harvest of fish stocks in a sustainable way. It may be questioned, however, to what degree these results are valid and applicable for modern large-scale fisheries.

March 15, 2012

Fish Fight campaign launch in Poland

On Friday, March 30, Fish Fight will launch its Europe-wide discards ban campaign in Poland. The event will take place in front of the Polish Parliament (Sejm), and will be led by a Polish celebrity chef, Robert Makłowicz. According to Fish Fight, up to 15% of all fish caught in the Baltic Sea is discarded.