
June 3, 2022

The future is here!

Examples of digital monitoring in fisheries that are in use today On the 31st of May The Fisheries Secretariat hosted a webinar on Advances in Digital monitoring in fisheries. The objective of this event was to showcase projects that are in use today and have the potential to be a game changer in improving the … Continued

June 1, 2022

No improvement for collapsed stocks – time for a reboot in the Baltic Sea

Brussels, 1 June 2022: Responding to yesterday’s publication of annual scientific advice for 2023 fishing limits in the Baltic Sea by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), a group of non-governmental organisations said that the Baltic Sea remains in a dire condition, despite tightening of fishing limits in recent years, and … Continued

May 31, 2022

Folkemødet: upcoming Democratic Festival on Bornholm

Denmark’s Democratic Festival Folkemødet will take place on June 16-19, 2022 in Allinge, on the island of Bornholm. Together with other environmental and fisheries NGOs, FishSec will be presenting on the schooner Freia (depicted above) where participants are welcome on board to learn more about our oceans, the fish in them as well as environmental … Continued

May 30, 2022

Scientific evaluation: No overall progress on EU eel recovery targets

Today, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ICES, published the results of its evaluation of the national progress reports on implementation of their Eel Management Plans. It shows that attainment of the EU recovery objective for the critically endangered European eel is lower today than in 2012. Reported mortality has decreased in … Continued

May 23, 2022

What’s next in digital fisheries monitoring?

With the ever increasing technological advances in Electronic Monitoring, fisheries are now entering the world of advanced analytics and data-driven planning, things that would have seemed to come straight out of a science fiction novel just a few years ago are already operational now. To manage and monitor fisheries a good understanding of where fisheries … Continued

May 10, 2022

NGO response to DG MARE consultation on how to implement the ICES advice on eel

The European eel needs a break. It used to be so common that it made up more than 50% of all freshwater biomass in many countries. That is almost impossible to imagine today. A joint response by 22 NGOs to DG MARE consultation providing recommendations on what we believe needs to be done to implement the … Continued

March 24, 2022

Press Release: New study presented on dramatic decline of cod in the Baltic Sea

Stockholm, March 24 2022; The Eastern Baltic cod population used to be one of the largest cod populations in the Atlantic. Today, decades of overexploitation paired with eutrophication and habitat degradation have led to a dramatic decline in the two main populations (Eastern and Western) of Baltic cod. But it is not too late for … Continued

March 16, 2022

Press release: NGOs urge EP to push for full implementation of the CFP

Brussels 16 March 2022: Ahead of the European Parliament’s public hearing on the implementation and future perspectives of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) tomorrow, NGOs are calling on EU institutions and Member States to better follow and enforce the rules of the policy, rather than considering any reform at this stage. Vera Coelho, Senior Director … Continued

March 9, 2022

Registration now open for the launch of our report on “The Decline of Cod in the Baltic Sea”

As part of our Return of the Cod project Fish Sec scientist and experts from the University of Gothenburg conducted an extensive study into all available information on Baltic cod. This detailed review of both academic studies and other literature,  provides an overview of the situation of cod in the Baltic Sea today and the … Continued

February 24, 2022

Record catch of ghost fishing gear on the Swedish West coast

Sotenäs, a municipality on the Swedish West coast, has been running a ghost fishing project since 2017 where they find and retrieve lost fishing gear. Lost fishing gear such as lobster tins in the sea leads to fish and shellfish finding their way into them and eventually dying, so-called ghost fishing. Last Friday, February 18, … Continued