
October 24, 2011

October Council: some progress, but not enough, on Baltic Sea TACs

On Friday, European Fisheries Ministers agreed on levels for Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for the Baltic Sea in 2012. Building on the progress from last year, Ministers decided to apply cuts for those stocks where scientists had recommended decreases. Although, some important steps towards stock recovery and the achievement of Maximum Sustainable Yield by 2015 were made, the Minsters decisions are still not in line with scientific advice for all stocks.

October 21, 2011

October Council: Baltic TACs to be set

Next year’s catch quotas for the Baltic Sea will be decided at the October Council meeting on 21 October.

October 18, 2011

CFP reform discussed during hearing in UK parliamentary committee

Today, the UK Environment, Food and Rural Affairs committee sat to discuss the CFP reform. Professor Alex Rogers from the University of Oxford and the new economics foundation (nef) a founding member of OCEAN2012 were invited to give evidence.

October 18, 2011

The new economics foundation (nef) report on “Value slipping through the net: managing fish stocks in the public interest” has been published

The report reveals the inefficiency of a European fisheries management system which rewards those who underperform in social, economic and environmental terms and punishes those that generate more societal benefits.

October 12, 2011

Declaration – “Scale Matters; Quality Counts” launched

168 organisations from 18 EU member states, most of whom represent small-scale fishing organisations, civil society organisations and NGOs, have signed a declaration which calls for those fishing in the most sustainable manner are granted priority access to fisheries.

October 12, 2011

Civic Platform Party holds the reins for another term in Poland

On October 9, The Civic Platform (Platforma Obywatelska, PO) party met success in this year’s Polish Parliamentary elections, and made history too. For the first time in twenty years, the ruling party has been re-elected in Poland. Although the election results were not surprising, what was unprecedented, is the incredible support shown for the breakaway faction of the Civic Platform party, the Palikot Movement (Ruch Palikota, RP).

October 7, 2011

Scale Matters; Quality Counts – NGOs and Artisanal Fishers rally for sustainable fisheries

In an effort the secure sustainable fisheries through the CFP reform, small-scale fishermen and NGOs have joined forces, by making a follow-up declaration to that from La Coruna in 2010, on the need to ensure that priority access to fisheries is given to those who fish in the most environmentally and socially sustainable manner.

October 4, 2011

Danish ministerial appointments announced

Following on from the Danish election on the 15th September, a new government has been formed by the victorious left-wing coalition.

October 1, 2011

Meeting on CFP reform proposals in Spain draws in a crowd of stakeholders

The Commission visit to the Ministry in Spain took place on 28 September, with the goal of presenting its proposals for the CFP reform to stakeholder groups, and in particular to the Ministry responsible for fisheries issues. Although some Member States decided to keep the Commission meetings a closed affair (i.e.: Poland), in Spain more than 100 people representing the Spanish fishing industry, and non-governmental organisations, joined the proceedings.

September 30, 2011

Polish fishermen protest 2007 sanctions for illegal cod fishing

Today, around 200 Polish fishermen gathered in Gdansk to protest sanctions-- some reaching 350 000 PLN—imposed on them as a result of illegal Baltic cod fishing in 2007, which took place despite the European Commission (EC) mandated closure of the Baltic cod fisheries. The man behind the protests is Grzegorz Hałubek, the Chair of the Polish Fishermen’s Union, who has been fronting the protests since the beginning.