
September 27, 2011

PECH finally decides on reform reports

Yesterday evening, a decision in the EP Fisheries Committee finally settled the heated debate about the allocation of reports for the different parts of the CFP reform package. In the end, the different party groups were each given a piece of the cake.

September 27, 2011

Commission proposes fishing opportunities for the Atlantic and North Sea for 2012

Today, the Commission presented its proposals for North Sea and Atlantic TACs. They stressed the scientific basis for their proposals, stating that “the Commission’s goal is to set TACs at science-based levels which help recover the stocks and make fisheries sustainable in the long term”.

September 22, 2011

Blue Tech seminar focuses on sustainable Baltic Sea entrepreneurship

On 21 September, Region Skåne, a southern regional Swedish authority, gathered actors with a wide range of backgrounds to discuss sustainable entrepreneurship focusing on the Baltic Sea at a seminar called Blue Tech – a good idea for the Sea.

September 15, 2011

European Commission proposal on 2012 Baltic TACs announced

Today, the European Commission released its proposal on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2012. The Commission states that the overall objective of the proposal is to make fisheries in the Baltic Sea environmentally and economically sustainable by following the recommendations of scientists.

September 14, 2011

A renowned Canadian scientist speaks about EU fisheries reform at the European Parliament

On 13 September, Dr. Daniel Pauly, the Director of the Fisheries Centre at University of British Columbia in Canada and Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us Project , gave an introductory summary of his latest work on the global spread of fisheries and how his findings are illuminating the pressing need for the European Union to manage its fisheries more effectively.

September 13, 2011

ENVI requests competence on CFP reform

Today, the Environment Committee (ENVI) in the European Parliament requested Associated Committee status on CFP reform, referring to the strong environmental focus of the proposal.

September 9, 2011

The State of European Fish Stocks in 2011

On September 8, the second annual meeting was hosted by the Commission in Brussels, moderated by Lowri Evans, Director General for DG Mare. The focus of the meeting was on the state of European fish stocks, as presented by scientific experts, and the way the EU should react to scientific based assessments and uncertainties. The meeting was the last opportunity for inputs to be made by stakeholders before the TACs are set for 2012.

September 9, 2011

Stakeholder meeting takes place in Copenhagen to discuss the CFP reform proposals

The Commission “Blue team” visit to the Ministry in Copenhagen took place on the 8th September. Representatives of the EC presented their proposals for the CFP reform and invited approximately 25 Danish stakeholders to ask questions and pass comment.

September 2, 2011

WWF Baltic Sea Seminar – planning for a better future

The 9th annual seminar awarded Axel Wenblad, former head of the Swedish National Board of Fisheries (Fiskeriverket), with their leadership award for his work on the new proposed Swedish legislation for Marine Spatial Planning and Regulation. Also, the WWF Baltic Sea scorecard for 2011 was launched, which evaluates how successful each of the Baltic countries have been in implementing the environmental agreements and conventions which they have signed up to.

September 2, 2011

Froese and Quaas exploring management scenarios of eastern Baltic cod

In a recent article published in Marine Ecology Progress Series the German scientists Rainer Froese and Martin Quaas suggest that current exploitation levels should be kept for several years, or alternatively that the fishery is closed for 2 years in order to achieve MSY by 2015.