
March 3, 2011

Too few predators in famous archipelago

In a joint initiative by authorities, anglers and landowners, re-stocking of pike will hopefully help to solve a lack of predator fish in Stockholm’s scenic outer archipelago. The sharp decline of the Eastern Baltic cod stock from the mid-1980s caused a seriously disturbed balance in the sensitive ecosystem there, in its turn partially explaining both … Continued

March 1, 2011

Big bucks for smart ideas

A grand prize total of $30,000 and two $10,000 runner-up awards are in the pot as the WWF is launching the 2011 International Smart Gear Design Competition aimed at reducing bycatches. Additionally, in partnership with the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), the competition is offering a $7,500 special tuna prize that will be awarded to … Continued

February 24, 2011

Baltic Sea states, stakeholders, urge more flexibility in effort management

A Commission-hosted workshop with member states and stakeholders from around the Baltic Sea has ended in a joint call for the Commission’s top advisory body to explore possible ways of introducing flexibility into the current effort management system, without increasing fishing mortality or realised fishing effort. The request was addressed to the Scientific, Technical and … Continued

February 22, 2011

New study highlights upset ecosystems in world oceans

Even though many, at first sight, would prefer sardines on the table to sharks in the water, the decline of predator fish in the oceans has led to an excess of smaller species that seriously threatens the ecological balance, scientists say. A new study, presented recently at the American Association for the Advancement of Science … Continued

February 22, 2011

Mediterranean small-scalers launch network

Representing a majority of fishing jobs around the Mediterranean, artisanal fishermen from four nations have launched a common platform to promote more sustainable fisheries. Small-scale fishermen from France, Greece, Italy and Spain had gathered in the port of Arenys de Mar in Catalonia, Spain, to stake out common ground in light of the upcoming reform … Continued

February 21, 2011

EU Council prolongs Morocco contract

A last-minute campaign in the February Fisheries Council failed to stop an extension of the controversial EU-Morocco agreement. Only Sweden, Denmark and the UK voted against. Under that agreement, the European Union has paid Morocco €144 million over the last four years to fish Moroccan waters, primarily by Spanish fleets. Much of those fisheries are … Continued

February 18, 2011

Morocco agreement: Council next

An extension of the European Union’s controversial fishing agreement with Morocco came one step closer as the member states’ EU ambassadors voted to send the proposal to a final vote among the fisheries ministers on Monday. A last-ditch effort to stop the proposal in Coreper, the ambassadors’ assembly, failed as some nations with many votes, … Continued

February 17, 2011

Ban plan in Bothnian Sea

To protect a dwindling whitefish stock, the Swedish Board of Fisheries is planning to establish a non-fishing zone in the southern Bothnian Sea. The Board considers the lavaret or common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) as important for both professional fishermen and anglers. Historically, this fishery has been particularly widespread in the Bothnian Bay where catches have … Continued

February 16, 2011

US boosts up aquaculture effort

With almost half of all seafood consumed in the US stemming from aquaculture, but very little farmed domestically, the US Government has proposed its first aquaculture policy. Citing growing interest in seafood’s health benefits, as well as increasing consumer concern about how fish is produced, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published guidelines with … Continued

February 10, 2011

Reports: COM will OK extension of Morocco agreement

The EU Commission, running over its Fisheries Commissioner, is set to propose a one-year extension of the controversial fisheries agreement with Morocco, according to news reports. At focus for the controversy is Morocco’s occupation since 1975 of Western Sahara, off which coast much of that fishing takes place. An agreement between the EU and Morocco … Continued