
February 10, 2011

The (very) goods and (very) bads of aquaculture

While a new fact booklet from the industry – with forewords by both FAO and WWF – claims that aquaculture will “feed the world” by 2050, a giant global campaign against “Big aquaculture” has been launched which compares the harms of salmon farming to those of smoking. Issuing a report later this month headlined “Smoke … Continued

February 9, 2011

WWF in hot seat over fish guide un-listing

The WWF’s un-listing, under threat, of a popular Vietnamese farmed fish has provoked a heated debate in Sweden – the WWF claiming that in exchange it reached a strong agreement for that industry to clean up its business. Reporters from the Swedish public radio “Matens pris” (The Price of Food) program had visited Vietnamese Iridescent … Continued

February 9, 2011

Russian caviar: Same as before, now legal

After a nine-year ban, Russia has reopened exports of its exclusive sturgeon caviar to the EU. Fearing extinction of the species, Russia stopped all exports of black caviar – the sturgeon’s eggs – in 2002, although smuggling through Turkey and the Caucasus has been an emerging growth industry since then. The Russian Federal Fisheries Agency … Continued

February 8, 2011

Huge catches in the Arctic, 75 times bigger than thought

A Canadian team of scientists that has studied catches in Arctic fisheries 1950-2006 has found them to be almost 75 times bigger than what had been reported to the FAO. The findings by a group of researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver are particularly interesting in light of the receding ice in … Continued

February 8, 2011

UN to focus on small-scale fisheries

In a “landmark decision” a fisheries committee under the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has decided to highlight small-scale fisheries with new international guidelines. In a comment on the decision by the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI), the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) said that it, and a line of other similar … Continued

February 5, 2011

EU worst in class as UN reports waning global fish stocks

The United Nations report on the state of global fisheries in 2010 finds consumption bigger than ever, but sees no improvement in the situation for depleted fish stocks. We consumed a record average of 17 kilograms per person per year, constituting about 15 percent of our protein intake, according to the 2010 “State of the … Continued

January 31, 2011

LFN launches Lithuanian fish guide

The Lithuanian Fund for Nature (LFN) has joined the WWF campaign for sustainable seafood by publishing a local version of the “fish guide” – a list of fish to chose for sustainability–aware consumers. The guide was launched along with a screening of “The End of the Line” in Vilnius, to highlight the problems of overfishing … Continued

January 29, 2011

Exotic strangers caught in The Sound

Rising bottom temperatures have lured many new fish species, particularly sharks, to Öresund, the narrow strait separating southern Sweden from Denmark, a local news site reports. A fisherman from Hornbæk on northern Zealand recently reported finding no less than 26 sharks trapped in his nets. “These waters are actually teeming with sharks”, a biologist with … Continued

January 28, 2011

Global shark plan a failure, report says

A ten-year old UN plan to conserve shark stocks has made little difference, a new NGO report shows. With 30 percent of the world’s shark species more or less threatened with extinction, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) agreed ten years ago on an action plan for the stocks’ recovery. The protection plan … Continued

January 28, 2011

Croatian fishermen want their own waters

Protesting their own government and Italian colleagues, several hundred Croatian fishermen have staged rallies in nine different ports. Calling for the establishment of a Croatian economic zone and sovereignty of some 23,000 square kilometres of sea, the protesters accused their Agriculture and Fisheries ministry of allowing the Italians to “destroy resources and the future of … Continued