
June 23, 2010

Fishers follow the money, not the big fish, report says

Contrary to earlier beliefs, a new study indicates that professional fisheries do not go for what is left at the top of the food chain, but rather focuses on what is most profitable: shrimp pays better than cod. The depletion of stocks high in the food web, such as cod and tuna, has earlier been … Continued

June 22, 2010

Illegal fishing plunders West African waters

Ivory Coast officials say its own seafood catches went down 30 percent last year, and some experts estimate that illegal catches along West African coasts, mostly by European or Asian vessels, amount to as much as one billion dollars annually. According to the Environmental Justice Foundation, an NGO based in London, as many as 60 … Continued

June 22, 2010

Both environment and fishers could profit from new gears, study shows

Changed fishing gears could reduce both harmful effects on the marine ecosystems and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as lower the fishermen’s fuel costs, a new report towards low impact fisheries shows. The study, commissioned by the Brussels-based Seas At Risk organisation and performed by the independent fisheries consultancy MacAlister Elliott and Partners, also identified … Continued

June 18, 2010

Anglers an emerging force in CFP reform work

A strong representation of anglers in general and NGOs from Estonia, Latvia and Estonia in particular marked a recent FISH-led strategy workshop in Poland. Some 25 NGO representatives, also from Poland, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Russia, had gathered in Miêdzyzdroje, a spa and sea resort north of Szczecin on the Polish Baltic coast. FISH had … Continued

June 10, 2010

COM clamps down hard on Mediterranean States

Feeling ”truly disappointed”, Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki has urged Mediterranean member states to finally apply the 2006 fisheries regulation. “The transition period is over”, she added grimly. Of those fish stocks in the Mediterranean that have been scientifically assessed at all – the majority haven’t – more than 54 percent have been found overfished. In … Continued

June 3, 2010

Lowri Evans new head of DG MARE

A British chartered accountant has been appointed new Director-General for fisheries under the EU Commission. As part of the Commission’s “mobility policy”, Fokion Fotiadis, a Greek national as his Commissioner Maria Damanaki, is replaced by Lowri Evans at the top of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), the Commission announced. According to … Continued

June 3, 2010

“MSY is just an upper limit”, say NGOs

Welcoming the EU Commission’s ”clear commitment” to bring in the MSY approach by 2015, a statement from nine important NGOs points out that Maxim Sustainable Yield is not “the ultimate target”. The statement, signers including FISH, WWF and the OCEAN2012 coalition, was commenting on the Commission Communication two weeks earlier on principles for setting quotas … Continued

June 2, 2010

“Agreement with Morocco – no problem”, says EU Ambassador

Contrary to what the European Parliament’s legal experts have found, the EU Ambassador to Morocco contends there is “no problem” with the legalities in the EU-Morocco agreement on fisheries in occupied Western Sahara. Western Sahara, originally a Spanish colony, has been occupied by Morocco since 1975. The UN Security Council adopted a peace plan in … Continued

June 2, 2010

Danes give red light to red-listed freights

The Danish Maersk Company, the world’s largest container-shipping firm, has included in its environment policy to not carry red-listed seafood species. Species threatened by overfishing that Maersk is now refusing to transport include sharks, orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) and Chilean sea bass (Patagonian toothfish). The move was recently praised by the Green Party and Greenpeace … Continued

June 1, 2010

Report outlines future Swedish fisheries

A strategic Government report on future Swedish fisheries urges “radical change”, including better distribution of fishing rights between the fishing sector, fishing tourism and leisure fishing, giving priority to what has “the greatest value to society”. The 122-page report “Fiske 2020” (Fisheries in 2020) by the Swedish Board of Fisheries says it wants to point … Continued