
March 18, 2010

EU bureaucrats save pregnant cod

It does happen that bureaucracy works in favour of the fish: a sector request to open closed cod fisheries in the western Baltic because of the extreme winter conditions has been rejected, since the EU consultation route, including the new co-decision process with the Parliament, would “take too much time”. The Baltic Fishermen’s Network, chaired … Continued

March 17, 2010

Better fish than farm, US Prof says

Land based agriculture has a far greater effect on biodiversity than fisheries, a prominent American professor says. To replace the protein from global fisheries, grazing land would be needed that equals the world’s rain forests 22 times over. In a meta-study, Professor Ray Hilborn of Washington University has evaluated published research into the effects on … Continued

March 17, 2010

First French MSC thumbs-up

A saithe fishery comprising five huge vessels has become the first French fishery to receive MSC certification. EURONOR, based in Boulogne-sur-Mer on the English Channel, was awarded the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certificate for sustainable fisheries after a 13-month assessment. The fishery’s five vessels target saithe (Pollachius virens) off Western Scotland in the North Sea, … Continued

March 16, 2010

Contraceptives have side-effects for fish

New Swedish research has confirmed earlier reports that residues from human contraceptives in lakes, rivers and sea water may threaten fish reproduction. Scientists at the universities in Umeå and Gothenburg filled aquariums with water that had passed through three different sewage treatment plants – including the biggest one in Stockholm – and let rainbow trout … Continued

March 16, 2010

Gene-modified monster trout to haunt the depths

The controversial Belgian Blue is getting its fishy counterpart in an enhanced trout with 15-20 percent bigger “six-pack” muscle mass than its puny comrades. The genetically-modified rainbow trout has been developed by Professor Terry Bradley of the University of Rhode Island, USA, along the same principles that was utilised for the Belgian Blue beef breed, … Continued

March 13, 2010

Same boat, new flag, fishing off occupied coast

In a recent edition of a Swedish television magazine, investigative reporters have shown how a member of the country’s dominating fishing family sold his Swedish transferable quota, then registered his vessel under convenience flag and went on fishing off occupied Western Sahara. Sweden introduced the Individually Transferable Quotas (ITQ) system late in 2009, aimed at … Continued

March 13, 2010

New FISH money for Polish NGOs

The Fisheries Secretariat’s financial support to Polish NGOs has been widened to include new areas where granting may be possible. Grants of up to € 30.000 are available for projects that will contribute to more sustainable fisheries in the Baltic Sea. Our overall goal of more sustainable fisheries in the Baltic Sea remains the same, … Continued

March 12, 2010

Swedish export boom is mostly Norwegian

A 25 percent hike in fish exports made agriculture and food products all but the only Swedish export sector that expanded in 2009. However, farmed salmon from Norway, repacked and then re-exported, accounted for most of that increase, otherwise dominated by herring sold in IKEA stores. According to statistics from the Board of Agriculture, Swedish … Continued

March 11, 2010

EU in line for tuna decision

In the build-up for the CITES meeting in Doha on Saturday, EU member nations have agreed on supporting a bluefin tuna trade ban – with reservations. In Doha, Qatar, on March 13-25, 175 nations will meet to consider including the bluefin tuna and other threatened species in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species … Continued

March 11, 2010

Crime still pays for fishing crooks

Thirty-six French and Spanish vessels found guilty of breaking CFP rules still received a total of €13.5 million in subsidies between 1994 and 2006, a report shows. The study, done by and commissioned by the Pew Environment Group, focused on only Spain and France, two major fishing nations in the Union., so Pew underlined … Continued