
June 1, 2021

Great visual tool for eel shown at final SUDOANG event

Over the last couple of days, the final event of the SUDOANG project was held online. The project set out to investigate why the European eel is not recovering, despite the agreed EU regulation (1100/2007) having been implemented for more than 10 years, and what improvements are needed to help save the eel. It has … Continued

May 31, 2021

“The Herring stock in the Baltic Proper is being fished too hard”

Researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, suggest that “restrictions on fishing close to the coast could be a good measure”, to protect local spawning stocks of herring. They also warn that “If we want fish stocks to have a healthy size structure, both management and research need to focus on developing and … Continued

May 31, 2021

FishSec receives funding for eel project initiation in the Baltic region

Together with Estonian Fund for Nature, WWF Latvia and Lithuanian Fund for Nature, FishSec has received funding from the Swedish Institute for regional work on European eel recovery (BALTEELRECO). The project will start in September and will focus on analysing the national Eel Management Plans and restocking practises in the four countries.

May 28, 2021

River Vjosa designated Nature Park after Albanian election

The national and international campaigning for protection of the River Vjosa – one of Europe’s last big free-flowing rivers – put environmental issues on the agenda in the lead up to the parliamentary elections in Albania on 25 April. Prime Minister Edi Rama was re-elected for a third term in office. A partial victory has … Continued

May 28, 2021

Press release: EU Must Respond to Baltic Sea Ecosystem and Fisheries Crash With Urgent, Radical Measures

Brussels/Baltic Sea. Responding to today’s publication of annual scientific advice for 2022 EU fishing limits for the Baltic Sea by ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) [1], a group of non-governmental organisations is demanding that the European Commission follow the scientific advice and calls for an immediate transition to ecosystem-based, climate-smart, low-impact … Continued

May 12, 2021

Good progress in GFCM research programme on eel

The new GFCM research programme on European eel has already provided some tangible results since the launch in June last year. After the meeting in late April, an update will be provided at the SAC in late June.

May 5, 2021

Legal toolkit for river protection can help save the eel

A legal toolkit for river protection was presented at a webinar on 29 April. It was produced by Lawyers for Rivers Iniative to support civil society in the fight for Europe's last free-flowing rivers, and the biodiversity they support.

March 31, 2021

Create Vjosa National Park Now!

In March, NGOs, citizens and activists stepped up efforts to secure protection of one of Europe’s last free-flowing rivers – the Vjosa in Albania. By releasing first a documentary and then a series of photos taken in front of national monuments, such as the Eifeltower, they are calling for European political support.

March 31, 2021

FitHydro – exploring more fish-friendly hydropower

More environmentally friendly hydropower plants are not just about fish, but also about sediments and ultimately about habitats, participants learnt at an international conference about fish-friendly hydropower on 17-18 March. The future should be about a more flexible and dynmic approach, but also about decommissioning.

March 28, 2021

Danish fishers and conservationists jointly propose marine reserves

After months of negotiations, the Danish Society for Nature Conservation, DN, and the Danish Fishermen Producer Organisation, DFPO, present a historical proposal for ensuring a significant protection of the Danish sea. The proposal will ensure 10 percent untouched sea – no take Marine Protected Areas – in the North Sea, the Skagerrak, and the Baltic … Continued