Positions & Papers

North Atlantic and North Sea TACs 2017: Council briefing from the Fisheries Secretariat & Seas at Risk
November 23, 2016
This briefing provide recommendations to the Fisheries Council on the European Commission’s proposal on fishing opportunities in the North Atlantic and North Sea for 2017. The Fisheries Council will conclude on 13 December, and we ask the Council to endorse our recommendations in order to ensure more sustainable utilisation of our common marine resources. Our news story can be found here

Council brief on Deep Sea TACs for 2017 & 2018
November 3, 2016
This briefing provide recommendations to the Fisheries Council on the European Commission’s proposal on fishing opportunities for certain Deep Sea stocks for 2017 and 2018. This is the first time that these TACs have been set since the recent agreement of the new EU deep sea access regime. The Fisheries Council will conclude on 15 November, and we ask the Council to endorse our recommendations in order to ensure more sustainable utilisation of our common marine resources. Our letter to Ministers can be found here.

Baltic TACs 2017
October 10, 2016
Here you can find a table with the quotas, decided by Council, in the Baltic Sea fisheries for 2017.

Council brief on Baltic TACs for 2017
October 1, 2016
This briefing provide recommendations to the Fisheries Council on the European Commission’s proposal on fishing opportunities in the Baltic for 2017. This is the first time that Baltic TACs have been set since the adoption of the Baltic multiannual management plan. The Fisheries Council will conclude on 11 October, and we ask the Council to endorse our recommendations in order to ensure more sustainable utilisation of our common marine resources. Our news story can be found here

Baltic mulitiannual management plan
September 20, 2016
Here you can find the legislation relating to the Baltic multiannual management plan. This was decided through co-decision between the Council and European Parliament, and came into force in time to be the basis for the 2017 quotas.

Technical Measures Framework briefing and letter
August 25, 2016
In our letter to Ministers, FishSec and Seas at Risk provided recommendations on the Technical Measures Framework.
Technical measures are rules for where, when and how fishing may take place and are fundamental for regulating the impact of fishing on stocks and the wider marine ecosystem. In this paper, we have outlined our joint prorities for the forthcoming negotiations.

Request to Slovakian Presidency live stream Council meetings – joint NGO letter
August 22, 2016
In this letter, FishSec are one of eight organisations requesting that the upcoming Council meetings in 2016 are live streamed. There has been a lack of public scrutiny and transparency with regard to the setting of TACs and quotas and it is of public interest for these decisions to be taken in a more visible light.

Joint NGO position paper on the Commission’s Technical Measures Framework proposal
August 18, 2016
Technical measures are rules for where, when and how fishing may take place and are fundamental for regulating the impact of fishing on stocks and the wider marine ecosystem. In this paper, we have outlined our joint prorities for the forthcoming negotiations.

Commission Consultation on Fishing Opportunities for 2017
June 23, 2016
This letter with recommendations regarding the Communication from the Commission concerning a consultation on Fishing Opportunities for 2017, (COM(2016) 369 final) is aimed at the Fisheries Ministers to consider at the upcoming Council meeting. The European Commission sets out principles for the fixing of fishing opportunities for 2017. It shows a commitment to implement the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), however, the objective of fishing below Fmsy in order to bring stock biomass above Bmsy for all stocks is not as clear as it could be.

Analysis of the Baltic multiannual plan
June 20, 2016
The Baltic multiannual management plan for cod, herring and sprat stocks is analysed in the attached pdf. We welcome the use of multispecies management as a progression in how Baltic fish stocks are utilised, however, we are crticial of the plan as it places unnecessary risks upon the ecosystem and contains provisions which allow for overfishing to continue in breach of the MSY objective in the CFP.