Past Events

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Talk about water: How to save the Baltic Sea?

Location: Turku, Finland

Dates: 02 - 03 June 2014

Please see link below for more information.


Fish Dependence Day – Malta

Location: Malta

Dates: 01 June 2014

Fish Dependence is the day on which imports have to be relied upon because national catches would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January.

Malta relies on imports for over seven months per year, to satisfy domestic demand for fish products.

Fish dependence is a powerful concept that illustrates how far overconsumption outstrips domestic resources. One way to illustrate this trend is to represent a country’s degree of self-sufficiency as a calendar day – the day in the year when a country has consumed its own supply and must begin sourcing its products from elsewhere, hence the term ‘fish dependence day’. For the EU this date is currently 11th July, after which the EU depends on foreign resources. Fish dependence day is calculated by New Economics Foundation (NEF).


ICES Advice on Baltic Sea fish stocks releases

Dates: 30 May 2014

The advice will be available here at noon on May 30th.


Advisory Council for Aquaculture

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 27 May 2014

The future of the European shellfish sector The European project Euroshell, part of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), aims at strengthening cooperation between scientific experts and producers in the domain of shellfish farming. The project brings together 18 partners from 6 different Member states (France, United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain), including scientific bodies and business association representatives at national and European level. Over a period of 18 month, the project developed tools and recommendations in order to improve the transfer of knowledge among the different European actors involved in shellfish farming. Its ultimate goal is to create a network for dissemination. The first part of this meeting will present the Euroshell project, its tools, results and outcomes to ensure that these elements are taken into account in the framework of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). The second part of the meeting will seek to formally constitute an interim Executive Committee that will seek to agree on the required documentation necessary for the constitution of the new Advisory Council on Aquaculture and discuss i.e. the EUROSHELL stakeholders’ recommendation on extension activities within this council. See below for draft agenda and statues as well as location of the meeting. Draft agenda


HELCOM worskhop on a Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Dates: 27 - 28 May 2014

First HELCOM Workshop on Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter, the workshop falls under the MONAS group. Please see link below for more information about he workshop.


MareFrame: Baltic Sea Case Study Workshop

Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Dates: 26 May 2014

Workshop to launch the case study under the FP7 MareFrame project To workshop will be held at the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SWAM) in Gothenburg. See links below for more information.


MSFD Article 12 follow-up meeting with EU Member States of the OSPAR Convention

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 22 - 23 May 2014

Information forthcoming.


Marine and Water Forum 2014

Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Dates: 20 - 21 May 2014

The forum have three focus areas: i) reduced eutrophication, ii) increased biodiversity in running water and iii) sustainable fishing. The forum will also address ocean acidification, marine spatial planning, drinking water, groundwater and purification of pharmaceuticals and chemicals.


Sustainable Aquaculture best practice workshop: Black Sea Region and landbased

Location: Vienna, Austria

Dates: 19 - 20 May 2014

Cefas will organise a regional workshop on the development of guidance for the sustainable development of European aquaculture in relation to the WFD and the MSFD for the Black Sea Region and landbased aquaculture. The workshop will take place in Vienna, Austria. Date has not yet been confirmed but will take place over two days 19th, 20th, 21st May or over two consecutive days in the week commencing 26th May. More info forthcoming.



Dates: 19 - 20 May 2014

More info forthcoming.